Oh, what a year... September 30 2020
2020. What a year. We, at Peace by Piece, mourn the lives lost and the hardships fought as a result of COVID-19. We feel for those all around the world, especially in countries poorly equipped to handle the medical complexity this virus brings. The economic fallout has been significant as well, and our heart goes out to those trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.
Like so many students around the world, school was interrupted for Peace by Piece's scholarship recipients. Students were sent home on March 17th, though "home" may be an orphanage or a mud hut without running water or electricity. And while lessons were eventually broadcast by national radio and television, this is still unattainable to the poor and vulnerable children living in dire circumstances.
The students did return to school in July and they have been working tirelessly to catch up. School breaks were eliminated and all 53 of our scholarship recipients are expected to finish their school year on time by the end of December. We are certainly proud of their efforts.